The Christmas and New Year break usually involves lots of functions, parties and BBQ’s, which can mean lots of cocktails, wines and treat foods. This can be highly detrimental for your dental health, resulting in stained teeth and decay.

As you attend functions and events, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages typically contain very high levels of sugar and acidity. This can cause worn enamel, cavities and stained teeth.

We recommend you focus on drinking water after each beverage or treat, as water will help dilute the sugar and acids in your saliva. This has the added benefit of washing away colouring (hello red wine) to prevent stained teeth.

Especially after a big night out, it’s important to brush your teeth to prevent the acids and sugars coating your teeth overnight. This long term exposure can have the most detrimental effect on your tooth enamel.

The longer heavily coloured foods and drinks wash over your teeth, the more likely you are to develop stained teeth.

Red wines, dark spirits and coloured cocktails (eg grenadine) can also cause heavily stained teeth, so make sure you brush thoroughly after consuming these coloured drinks. The lowest sugar options for alcoholic beverages include vodka and soda with fresh lime, or sugar free lemonade with a white spirit.

White wines are extremely high in sugars, while red wines contain that deep red pigment which can cause stained teeth. Choose your drinks wisely and drink responsibly!