Week 3 Kids – Pulp Therapy for Children

A pulpotamy or “pulp therapy” is a dental procedure used to treat severe decay that has affected the tooth right down to the pulp. This picture illustrates a tooth – the enamel, the dentine and the pulp inside. Decay that is not too deep can be cleaned out and filled with a composite resin filling. However as children’s teeth are weaker than adult teeth, decay can rapidly progress deep down into the pulp chamber of the tooth. When this happens, a pulpotamy is needed.

This involves cleaning out the decay from the tooth’s surface, right down to the pulp chamber, then carefully scooping out the affected pulp. All this is done under a local anaesthetic so the tooth is completely numb and the child won’t feel any pain. Once all the pulp is removed, layers of dressings are placed inside the pulp chamber to prevent infection and fill the area. However, after having it’s pulp removed, the tooth is weaker and more brittle. To prevent cracking or breaking the tooth, a metal crown is placed over the tooth to protect it.

While this procedure is not painful, it is a longer appointment than children may be used to. At Vivid Dental we promote prevention as the best cure. By brushing, flossing and regularly seeing the dentist, your child should have no problems with their teeth. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so why not book an appointment for your kids to make sure their teeth stay healthy.