We are constantly bombarded with healthy eating tips, exercise plans, weight loss pills, supplements and the latest crazes for good health.
While we all want to achieve a trim figure, a healthy heart and that feeling of wellness, did you ever think it could relate do your dental health?
Studies have shown that people who take thorough care of their teeth lead healthier lifestyles and have better general health than those who don’t.
The main causes of tooth decay are not only bad for your teeth, but also bad for your general health – such as soft drinks, sugars, preservatives, colouring, sticky sweets and lollies and acidic alcohol.
By cutting out or minimising your consumption of these foods and drinks, you’re not only benefiting your teeth and avoiding tooth decay, you’re also decreasing your dietary sugar, fat and alcohol consumption. This can really help manage weight, diabetes and feeling sluggish and tired from sugar slumps.
Try replacing those sugary pick-me-up snacks with low GI options, like whole grain crackers with cheese, yogurt, tuna and salad or veggie sticks with hummus dip. Your teeth and your body will thank you for it!
Thank you for this very informative blog post! One should not neglect their teeth and mouth because that can lead to many dental problems. Although most do not want to visit a dentist, going for regular dental checkups is important because that helps keep the mouth healthy and free from various dental problems. So, if you want to have healthy teeth and mouth, it is crucial that you go to your dentist.
There are many reasons why we should visit a dentist at least twice a year:
-To prevent oral disease and tooth loss
-To maintain good dental health and hygiene
-To evaluate how your teeth align and bite together
-And to find the right treatment for any gum problems.