Are your pearly whites looking a little dull?

Many patients think whitening is the only solution for stained teeth – or that they just have to put up with it. This isn’t the case! At Vivid Dental, our talented dentists and dental hygienist can use a range of polishing treatments to remove surface stains from your teeth.

A slightly gritty paste – called prophylaxis paste, is most commonly used to remove light staining from the enamel of the teeth. With a mild minty taste that is comfortable for patients, this powerful paste lifts stains and makes your smile nice and sparkly.

If your stains are a little more stubborn, we can use a salt spray – which is an air projected spray of fine salts which exfoliate stains away, causing no damage to the tooth’s enamel but brightening the appearance of your teeth.

Some foods and drinks can contribute to staining of your teeth, so if you feel your teeth are very stained, have a look at your diet – the answer could lie in your eating habits.

Drinking lots of coffee, tea, red wine or eating foods like curries, tomato based sauces and coloured drinks or lollies can all stain your teeth. Try to limit your intake of heavily coloured foods and drinks and when you do consume them, try to have a glass of water afterwards to rinse off the staining ingredients.

To have your smile sparkling again in one easy visit, book in for a clean and polish with our hygienists or one of our dentists.