If you are pregnant and find that your gums are starting to bleed, don’t be alarmed. Pregnant women are more prone to gingivitis because of the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy. That is why it is so important to keep on top of your oral hygiene.
Thorough brushing and flossing will keep your gums healthy. That paired with a healthy diet (including calcium rich food like milk, cheese, yoghurt and green vegetables) will help to maintain optimal oral health throughout your pregnancy.
Occasional sugary treats should be limited to a sweet treat after meals rather than a snack during the day. This will reduce the frequency of acid build up in the mouth.
If you are suffering the effects of morning sickness, rinsing your mouth out with water will help neutralise the acids that weaken the enamel surfaces of the teeth after each episode of sickness. Using a product to restrengthen the enamel such as tooth mousse can also help.
Regular dental check ups are essential during pregnancy to maintain your oral and dental health.
Any decayed teeth must be treated to prevent the condition becoming worse. A thorough professional cleaning will reduce the inflammation in your gums, whilst elective dental procedures should be left until after the baby is born.
If you are currently trying to have a baby, it’s important to have a dental health check and clean before you become pregnant so any issues can be fixed beforehand. If you don’t, these problems can progress very quickly.
Before you try for a baby and during the second trimester are the perfect times to see your dentist for a thorough clean. Book in with us today for peace of mind and great oral health.
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