It’s an age old debate – is fluoride in tap water better for our kids health, or is it toxic? Ongoing studies have revealed that the average exposure an Australian child has to fluoride in tap water, is absolutely not harmful at all.

However, a lack of fluoride exposure saw an increase of 49% of children needing dental treatment.  Aside from bottled water contributing to a rise in children needing dental treatment, the increased number of children consuming soft drinks, energy drinks, lollies and processed sweetened foods regularly has also seen sky-rocketing figures of dental decay.

This image shows a range of children’s tooth enamel, with varying fluoride exposure. Lack of fluoride exposure causes problems with children’s teeth enamel.fluoride_effects


Baby teeth have softer, weaker enamel than fully formed adult teeth. This makes their teeth more prone to rapid decay – a small pit in the tooth can quickly become a large hole that needs to be treated more extensively. Fluoride strengthens and hardens tooth enamel, which protects the inner tooth. Fluoride is the best way to strengthen tooth enamel. Traces of fluoride are in tap water in Australia, and even this tiny, safe amount, can do a world of good for your child’s teeth.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is also a good way to ensure your children’s teeth stay strong and healthy. It’s important that your child is able to spit out all the excess toothpaste after brushing, then rinse.

Vivid Dental recommends fluoride toothpaste and tap water, as these minimal amounts of fluoride will do absolutely no harm to your child, but will do a world of good for their teeth!