Mouth ulcers can be incredibly painful and difficult to get rid of. These are only one kind of oral sore. If you bite your lip or cheek, the small cut may become inflamed or infected, and irritated from rubbing on your teeth. There is no specific one cause for mouth ulcers – however they can be a result of many different things.Being extremely tired, run-down, sick, low in immunity or intolerant to certain foods can all produce mouth ulcers. Deficiency in certain nutrients such as iron or vitamin B can also lead to mouth ulcers. Patients with braces or other orthodontic appliances may find that wires rubbing on their cheek or gum can cause localised ulcers or abrasions. Using a zinc supplement can really help speed up and encourage the healing process and strengthen cells. There are also other varieties of sores that can affect the mouth and it’s important to be familiar with your mouth and what’s normal for you. Canker sores are a term used to describe sores extremely similar to ulcers – but can be more viral and can present many sores at once.
Cold sores or ‘herpes simplex’ can also present itself as sores inside the mouth. While most commonly, cold sores are on the lips, they can develop on the inside of the lips or cheeks. If you regularly get painful, tingly sores on or inside your lips, have them swabbed by your GP to determine if they are cold sores. Lesions, large sores or discoloration inside the mouth can also be signs of oral cancer. If you notice anything irregular, see us immediately for a thorough check.
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