Many parents have misconceptions about the importance of dental health in children. We have gathered the 5 most common children’s dental myths below, to set the record straight!
1. Cavities in kids teeth don’t matter because baby teeth fall out anyway.
This is false, but a very common misconception. Cavities in baby teeth can actually cause permanent damage to your child’s adult teeth – even when they are under the gum. Having active decay in the mouth is never safe, so if you think your child might have decay in their teeth, bring them in.
2. If my kid’s teeth look fine, they are fine.
Wrong. Baby teeth are usually very white and healthy looking, especially the ones visible when your child smiles. However, even if they look perfectly healthy, there may be issues you can’t see – like decay in the back teeth, gum problems or teeth growing in unusual angles.
3. Fillings are just part of life – every child will have fillings.
This is becoming the most common dental myth in Adults and Children. Fillings are by no means a necessity for well-looked after teeth. If your children are in the habit of brushing, flossing and seeing the dentist regularly, there is no reason they will definitely need fillings.
4. Milk is great for kid’s teeth.
While milk contains calcium which helps strengthen bones and teeth, allowing your child to constantly sip bottles of milk or fall asleep with a bottle of milk, can cause decay in their teeth. Milk contains sugar which can cause cavities in baby teeth. When your kids have milk, try to always give them some water afterwards, or brush their teeth.
5. Once my kids have a filling, that tooth can’t decay anymore.
Many parents think filling a baby tooth solves all problems of decay forever. This isn’t the case. Decay can eat away tooth structure underneath fillings, or on other surfaces of the tooth.
It’s important to know the facts about oral health in kids and adults. Stay up to date with information from Vivid Dental.
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