Here at Vivid Dental, we focus on promoting excellent oral hygiene habits in children so that they practice preventative measures throughout their lives.

The earlier you bring your child in for their first visit, the better.

We recommend that children from 3 years old and onwards begin to regularly visit the dentist. They gain the most benefit from coming in and are old enough to cope with unfamiliar surroundings. We do see younger kids, but usually only if there is something in particular you are concerned about or if they have had an accident.

Even if your child is a little shy or nervous, just bringing them in to meet our friendly team and have a ‘ride’ up and down in our chair can really affect the way they view dental treatment for the rest of their lives.

Did you have a bad experience at the dentist when you were a child?

The big chair and the noisy equipment can be very overwhelming – especially if your first visit is to get fillings and extractions it’s not likely to be remembered as a fun place!

That’s why we focus on getting kids in to meet us, have a play, ‘count’ their teeth, have a polish and learn about positive oral hygiene habits. The sooner they develop these good habits, the less likely they are to need treatment.

So even if your child is a toddler, bring them along for a visit or have them watch your next regularly scheduled check up and clean, to reinforce good habits and to let them know the dentist doesn’t have to be scary!