There are some things in life you know you must do – like pay taxes, wear a seatbelt and eat your greens, but what are absolute necessities of maintaining good dental health? Many patients ask us if they really need to do all these things.
Do I really need to floss?… Yes! Flossing is often seen as an ‘extra’ of dental health. However, it really is just as important as brushing. Brushing your teeth only cleans the surfaces you can see – there is still plaque and bacteria between your teeth and gums. Leaving this plaque and bacteria can be highly harmful to your dental health.
Do I really need to see a dentist every 6 months?…Yes – it’s preferable. Some patients with excellent dental health and oral hygiene may only visit the dentist once per year, however for most patients, every six months is necessary. Just like servicing the car, in order to keep your mouth healthy, you really should have a check up and clean every 6 months.
Do I really need to get that filling?… Yes. If your dentist has advised you that you have a cavity, you need to have it filled. Leaving tooth decay untreated only allows it to worsen. Active decay and cavities are very harmful to your dental health, as this can rapidly affect other teeth.
Do I really need to use mouthwash?…No, not really. The marketing regime of dental companies insists we brush, floss and rinse with mouthwash twice daily. While this is a perfectly good routine to follow, mouthwash isn’t crucial for dental health. If you brush and floss well, your teeth are clean. Mouthwash is great for freshening breath, but isn’t absolutely crucial.
These are the things you really DO and DON’T need to do for your dental health. Book in that check-up and clean today.
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