Many adults admit to us that they are unhappy with their smile because of crooked teeth, however they don’t want to have braces during their adult lives. At Vivid Dental, we offer Invisalign, which is a clear, less visible alternative to traditional braces. While not every single patient is eligible for invisalign, if you are concerned about your bite, having crooked teeth or are unhappy with your smile, come in and have an orthodontic consultation. During this consultation, we take you through your options and predicted outcomes, costs, risks and limitations. These differ for every individual case, so it’s important that you have a consultation for yourself – don’t just go off the advice of somebody else who had treatment, as your mouth may be completely different. Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic retainers to realign your teeth over a period of time. Sometimes this can be done in as little as 6 months, however this too depends on each individual case.