If your child has loose baby teeth, it’s okay for them to wiggle them. Many parents are concerned about children wobbling their loose teeth, as they fear it may be harmful to the tooth or gum. There are a few factors that you should always consider first.

–          Why is the tooth loose? If the tooth is loose because of a knock, a fall or a trauma to the tooth, it’s crucial to come in and see a dentist before your child loosens the tooth even more. If the tooth is loose simply because of natural growth and development and adult teeth coming through, it is good for children to gently wiggle the tooth.

–          Is the tooth sore, discoloured or bleeding? If there are painful symptoms associated with the loose tooth, or you notice the tooth is grey or brown in appearance, it’s best to have it assessed by a dentist before encouraging your child wiggling the tooth.

Losing teeth is part of growing up so if your child hasn’t had any trauma to the mouth and they find their teeth are naturally loosening, encouraging gentle wobbling of the tooth is a great way to ensure the teeth fall out when they are supposed to.