Many of us start the New Year with many resolutions we want to achieve. One of the most common resolutions, is aiming to implement healthy living and stay well. Whether this means losing weight, quitting smoking, eating more vegetables or going for a jog every day, we can help.

Healthy living doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference to your health.

Healthy Living

Vivid Dental discusses healthy living and how oral health can affect the rest of your body.

How can a dental practice help me achieve healthy living, you ask? There have been many studies conducted to identify the link between oral health and healthy living. Everybody’s mouth is teeming with bacteria.

Most of the bacteria is harmless and necessary to digest food. However, gum disease and tooth decay can cause harmful bacteria to build in your mouth. You are then swallowing and ingesting this bacteria day and night.

This heavily impacts your health. Despite your other attempts at healthy living, if you are constantly ingesting bacteria, you are compromising your health.

 Endocarditis which is an infection of the lining of the heart, has been linked to gum disease and the bacteria that enters the blood stream when gum disease is present.  The toxic bacteria that can accumulate as a result of severe gum disease has also been linked to other forms of cardiovascular disease.

Healthy living and leading an  active, healthy lifestyle can significantly decrease one’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Signs of gum disease or  bacteria include puffiness of the gums, redness of the gums, lumpiness or patchiness of the tongue, discoloration of the teeth, receding of the gums, bleeding when  brushing or flossing, foul smelling breath and frequent throat infections and pain.

Studies have also shown that individuals who brush twice daily, floss and regularly see a dentist, are more in touch with their overall health, and make better choices  in regards to healthy living.

Be a healthier you. Book in a check-up and clean today to get back on track with your goal of healthy living.