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Posts Categorized: Cosmetic Dentistry

Do You Have Problems Chewing Or Have An Uncomfortable Denture You Don’t Like?

Posted July 10th, 2019

Are You Missing A Tooth?

If you’ve never heard of dental implants or have been told in the past that you simply don’t have enough bone, the exciting news is that technology in dental implants has improved by leaps and bounds! It is now more predictable and can be performed in many more sites due to improvements in bone grafting materials and the advancement of dental techniques.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is the most biological way to replace a missing tooth. It looks and feels as close to a real tooth as you can get! The main components are a titanium post, which is placed into the bone, and a crown placed over the top. read more

5 Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening

Posted September 4th, 2018
Teeth Whitening - Bright Smile

There are many reasons you may desire whiter teeth, from a special occasion (such as a wedding or reunion) to simply wanting to feel more confident in your day to day interactions. And while there are many options available to you, some are better than others.

We highly recommend you come in and talk to us before you begin a teeth whitening regime. This way you get an assessment of the health of your teeth before you begin. Healthy teeth are important to your overall health, and with a quick assessment before you begin whitening we can address any issues before they arise as problems. read more

All About Invisalign

Posted May 10th, 2018
Man holding Invisalign

Are you embarrassed by crooked teeth? Perhaps you have thought about getting them fixed, but you don’t want to endure braces as an adult.

Years ago, metal braces were your only option. Today, you have options.

What is Invisalign?

Instead of metal braces, which adhere to the front of your teeth and guide the process by a wire, Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners (similar to a retainer but molded to fit you and much more comfortable to wear!) worn over your teeth.

How does Invisalign work?

Using a 3D scanner, we take impressions of your teeth and map out a custom-treatment plan. This treatment plan guides the creation of aligners in a step-by-step teeth straightening process. Once the plan has been finalised, the custom-made aligners are ordered. Each aligner will gently shift your teeth into a new position. We will determine a schedule to move from aligner to aligner – though you typically wear each individual aligner for approximately a fortnight. read more

Curious About Teeth Whitening? Read David

Posted February 2nd, 2018

David took great care of his teeth, but was always unhappy with their colour. While he brushed and flossed regularly, he also enjoyed lots of coffee, red wine, and was a long term smoker. Over the years, David’s teeth had become heavily stained and he was feeling self conscious about it. David had been curious about teeth whitening but didn’t know how best to proceed.At his regular 6 monthly check up and clean, he discussed his concerns with our caring dentist Dr Theresa Leong.

Dr Leong was able to explain to David that the staining of his teeth may have been caused by several factors, including: read more

Fluoride – The Controversial Mineral Your Teeth Need!

Posted January 3rd, 2018
Fluoride and Dental Health

Fluoride in water was an amazing step forward in strengthening teeth against decay.

Fluoride is a main component in most toothpastes, and in many parts of Australia and around the world, is also a main component in municipal water supplies. Fluoridated drinking water has been proven to make a significant difference in the development of gum disease and dental caries. Fluoride also helps determine whether weakened enamel will be remineralized or will form a cavity. Women who live in areas where water is not fluoridated are often advised to take supplements. If supplements are used, care must be taken not to consume more that recommended amount, as too much can also cause damage to your unborn child’s teeth. Research indicates that this powerful mineral can be transferred through the placenta, meaning that it will reduce the risk of caries in the unborn child as well. read more

How Can Myobrace Straighten Your Child’s Teeth?

Posted November 9th, 2017

Did you know that 3 out of 4 young children have crowded teeth or incorrectly developing jaws? This can be seen in children as young as age 5. Have you noticed any crowding in your child’s mouth as their adult teeth come through?

By intervening early, we are able to achieve results that are not possible once the face and jaws have stopped growing.

Myobrace is a more natural way help straighten teeth as it harnessing the natural growth process of the mouth. The treatment addresses the poor oral habits that are the main cause of crooked teeth e.g. incorrect tongue position and mouth breathing.  read more

Why Does My Child Have Yellow Teeth?

Posted September 14th, 2017

Some parents are concerned that their kid’s adult teeth are yellow.  Most of the time the reason for stained teeth is simple and does not require any treatment.

Why do teeth appear yellow?

The first reason is because they look more yellow next to their baby teeth. Baby teeth are so white that they are sometimes called ‘milk teeth’. When a new adult tooth is next to a baby tooth (milk tooth) they can look quite yellow. In this case it is normal and the colour difference will not be as noticeable when there are more adult teeth and less baby teeth. read more

Achieve A Straight Smile Without Braces

Posted June 7th, 2017

Are you self conscious about crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth? Many adults have concerns with their smile – whether it’s straightness, gaps, overlapping or overbites, but they don’t want to have braces. There are now many treatment options for adults to straighten their teeth and improve their smile, without the need for traditional bulky orthodontics. Some options are:


– Invisalign is a series of clear retainers, which gradually improve the alignment of your teeth. As they are clear, they are virtually undetectable, and give patients great results in minimal treatment time. Impressions of your teeth are taken in order to make the retainers, and highly advanced technology and imaging creates a prototype of how your teeth will reach their ideal straightness.invisaligh_002 read more

Teeth Whitening: David’s Story

Posted April 10th, 2017

David took great care of his teeth, but was always unhappy with their colour. While he brushed and flossed regularly, he also enjoyed lots of coffee, red wine, and was a long term smoker. Over the years, David’s teeth had become heavily stained and he was feeling self conscious about it. At his regular 6 monthly check up and clean, he discussed his concerns with our caring dentist Dr Theresa Leong.

Dr Leong was able to explain to David that the staining of his teeth may have been caused by several factors, including: read more

Dark, Stained or Yellow Teeth?

Posted December 20th, 2016

Many patients come to us hoping to improve the appearance of a black tooth or generalised yellow teeth. There can be many reasons that may result in black or yellow teeth over time. Some of the reasons can be:

  • Smoking cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco
  • Frequent drinking of coffee and black tea
  • Frequent drinking of red wine
  • Consumption of deeply coloured foods such as curries, cherries, berries and some tomato based sauces
  • Antibiotic usage as an infant
  • Dead or damaged nerves
  • Leaking amalgam fillings
  • Cavities

dark tooth

It can be difficult to know where to start – often patients think there is no easy fix, and that they just have to live with their current condition. However, at Vivid Dental, we can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Whether you haeve generalised yellow teeth, or a dark grey or black tooth, we can help you. read more

Orthodontic Treatment Relapse

Posted November 29th, 2016

Did you have orthodontic treatment as a teen, but find years down the track your teeth have reverted back to crookedness? Many patients who have had braces, retainers or other appliances find that later in life their teeth relapse into their original alignment. This can be caused by a number of factors, particularly not wearing a prescribed retainer, and sometimes the age at which treatment was completed.

If you had orthodontic treatment as a child and your teeth have become crooked again over time, you may be thinking “I don’t want to go through braces again!” which is perfectly understandable. At Vivid Dental, we are proud to provide options that make straightening your smile easier, more comfortable and less visible. retainer-2 read more

Do You Need a Dental Crown?

Posted February 9th, 2016

If you have had root canal treatment, or have been advised that you need it, it’s often recommended that you have a dental crown placed over that tooth after treatment. Many patients ask why dental crowns are so highly recommended.  If you have broken a tooth or have a heavily filled tooth, a dental crown may also be the answer.

During root canal therapy, the nerve and pulp of your tooth is removed. This leaves just the outside shell of your tooth – which appears normal, but is missing its blood supply and nerve system. read more

Concerned About Wisdom Teeth?

Posted February 2nd, 2016

We all know someone who has had a swollen face or a hospital visit to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The topic of having wisdom teeth extracted can sound scary and overwhelming, but at Vivid Dental we can make the experience easy. If you have any concerns or issues with your wisdom teeth, come in for a consultation.

Many patients think that all wisdom teeth must be extracted. This is not the case. Some people will have two wisdom teeth, some will have four, some will have none! No two mouths are exactly alike, and some wisdom teeth may exist harmlessly in your mouth – above or below the gum line, causing no problems at all. However, sometimes wisdom teeth can cause a number of issues, such as: read more

Party Season Causes Stained Teeth!

Posted December 22nd, 2015

The Christmas and New Year break usually involves lots of functions, parties and BBQ’s, which can mean lots of cocktails, wines and treat foods. This can be highly detrimental for your dental health, resulting in stained teeth and decay.

As you attend functions and events, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages typically contain very high levels of sugar and acidity. This can cause worn enamel, cavities and stained teeth.

We recommend you focus on drinking water after each beverage or treat, as water will help dilute the sugar and acids in your saliva. This has the added benefit of washing away colouring (hello red wine) to prevent stained teeth. read more

Bad Habits for Dental Health

Posted November 25th, 2015

How much do your habits affect your dental health? We are constantly told about how diet and lifestyle habits can affect our general health, but don’t often think of how they may affect our dental health, teeth and gums. nailbiting

Your dental health and oral health can be affected by many bad habits. The main habits that directly affect your dental health are:

–          Nail biting

–          Clenching your jaw

–          Use of drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption read more

Why you have bleeding gums

Posted November 18th, 2015

The general rule is: bleeding gums are unhealthy gums. If you notice bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth, this is an indication that your gums are inflamed or infected.

Plaque forms in your mouth over a 24 hour period – from everything you eat and drink and from all the sugars and acids in your saliva. This plaque sits on your teeth at the gum-line and between the teeth. The bacteria from the plaque begins to irritate your gums, causing them to become red, slightly puffy and inflamed or even infected. read more

Jaw Pain, Grinding and TMJ

Posted October 27th, 2015

Many people are subconsciously grinding teeth throughout the day – at work due to stress, perhaps when they’re nervous due to public speaking, or while concentrating. Others maybe be grinding teeth during the night, without even knowing.

Signs that you may be grinding teeth include a sore, tender jaw especially in the morning, or worn down and chipped edges on some of your teeth. Your partner may notice the sound of you grinding teeth during your sleep and often patients don’t realise they grind but their partner insists they do. read more

Flossing: Is It Necessary?

Posted December 12th, 2014

You brush your teeth every morning and night, and use mouth wash, that’s enough right? Wrong. While brushing thoroughly is crucial for your dental health, and mouth wash can help freshen your breath, if you aren’t flossing, you aren’t completing the job.

Think of everything you eat and drink. All those coffees, your breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day – for weeks, months and years… Every time you eat, tiny amounts of debris and plaque get wedged between your teeth.

Even if it doesn’t feel obvious, it’s there. Your toothbrush cleans most surfaces of your teeth, but it can’t get into those tiny spaces between your teeth. That’s where flossing comes in. Flossing draws out built up plaque or food particles that are caught between your teeth and gum line. It promotes healthy gums, prevents gum disease and completes the job of cleaning your teeth. read more

Considering Teeth Whitening?

Posted November 1st, 2014


Many of our patients ask us about tooth whitening. Everybody wants a bright, white, Hollywood smile. However, there are some important things to know about teeth whitening before you go ahead.

There are several different teeth whitening options available, which can make it difficult to choose which one is right for you. We have broken down the main options below and included the positives and negatives of each.

Whitening Toothpaste

With so many brands and types available, all boasting great results, teeth whitening toothpastes can seem appealing. While they may achieve a very minimal result over a long period of usage, it’s important to note that the strength of peroxide (bleaching agent) in teeth whitening toothpastes is extremely low. This means it can’t whiten teeth very successfully, but may have minimal results over time. read more

Fluoride in Tap Water

Posted October 25th, 2014

It’s an age old debate – is fluoride in tap water better for our kids health, or is it toxic? Ongoing studies have revealed that the average exposure an Australian child has to fluoride in tap water, is absolutely not harmful at all.

However, a lack of fluoride exposure saw an increase of 49% of children needing dental treatment.  Aside from bottled water contributing to a rise in children needing dental treatment, the increased number of children consuming soft drinks, energy drinks, lollies and processed sweetened foods regularly has also seen sky-rocketing figures of dental decay. read more