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Posts Categorized: Orthodontics

Fixed Retainers Can Also Retain Plaque!

Posted September 30th, 2019

Did you ever have braces? Many people who had braces also have a fixed retainer on the inside of their teeth. This thin wire retainer keeps your teeth from moving and is very common. However, while having a fixed retainer keeps your teeth straight, it also makes it difficult to floss and clean behind.

If you have a fixed retainer and would prefer to have a removable retainer (a clear, plastic retainer which you can take in and out) we can arrange that for you.

This allows for easier cleaning of your teeth, but you also need to then remember to put your retainer in each day or night. Each option suits different people, but if you choose to keep your fixed retainer it’s crucial you have your regular visit with the dentist to keep your teeth and gums healthy! read more

Crooked, crowded or gap teeth? Consider Orthodontics!

Posted July 31st, 2019
Young man with braces

Do you wish you could change the alignment, straightness or angle of one or some of your teeth?

If so, you are not alone. If you have a crooked tooth you would like to be straightened, or a gap you would like to close, consider orthodontics.

We can help you achieve a straight, healthy smile with our range of orthodontic treatments.

From expanders, to retainers, braces and even invisalign, we can help you straighten out any problems that are making you hide your smile.

Parents, if you are noticing your children’s adult teeth seem crowded or crooked, it’s better to discuss orthodontic options sooner rather than later. Orthodontic treatment works best when the mouth is still growing – so children and teenagers can extremely successful treatments early on. read more

The Proper Way to Floss with Braces

Posted April 25th, 2018
Dentist Flossing Teeth With Ceramic Brackets

The dreaded question (and the one most people lie about) when going to the dentist: have you been flossing regularly?

Though everyone’s least favorite dental activity, flossing plays a vital role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Brushing removes much of the surface buildup on teeth, but it is only a partial job in keeping your mouth clean.

Flossing gets underneath the gum line to remove the buildup that causes issues such as gum disease. Each time you eat, food debris, plaque and bacteria build up along your gum line. Flossing pulls these particles down and out of your gums, leading to a cleaner, healthier mouth. read more

How Can Myobrace Straighten Your Child’s Teeth?

Posted November 9th, 2017

Did you know that 3 out of 4 young children have crowded teeth or incorrectly developing jaws? This can be seen in children as young as age 5. Have you noticed any crowding in your child’s mouth as their adult teeth come through?

By intervening early, we are able to achieve results that are not possible once the face and jaws have stopped growing.

Myobrace is a more natural way help straighten teeth as it harnessing the natural growth process of the mouth. The treatment addresses the poor oral habits that are the main cause of crooked teeth e.g. incorrect tongue position and mouth breathing.  read more

Achieve A Straight Smile Without Braces

Posted June 7th, 2017

Are you self conscious about crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth? Many adults have concerns with their smile – whether it’s straightness, gaps, overlapping or overbites, but they don’t want to have braces. There are now many treatment options for adults to straighten their teeth and improve their smile, without the need for traditional bulky orthodontics. Some options are:


– Invisalign is a series of clear retainers, which gradually improve the alignment of your teeth. As they are clear, they are virtually undetectable, and give patients great results in minimal treatment time. Impressions of your teeth are taken in order to make the retainers, and highly advanced technology and imaging creates a prototype of how your teeth will reach their ideal straightness.invisaligh_002 read more

Orthodontic Treatment Relapse

Posted November 29th, 2016

Did you have orthodontic treatment as a teen, but find years down the track your teeth have reverted back to crookedness? Many patients who have had braces, retainers or other appliances find that later in life their teeth relapse into their original alignment. This can be caused by a number of factors, particularly not wearing a prescribed retainer, and sometimes the age at which treatment was completed.

If you had orthodontic treatment as a child and your teeth have become crooked again over time, you may be thinking “I don’t want to go through braces again!” which is perfectly understandable. At Vivid Dental, we are proud to provide options that make straightening your smile easier, more comfortable and less visible. retainer-2 read more

Bad Habits for Dental Health

Posted November 25th, 2015

How much do your habits affect your dental health? We are constantly told about how diet and lifestyle habits can affect our general health, but don’t often think of how they may affect our dental health, teeth and gums. nailbiting

Your dental health and oral health can be affected by many bad habits. The main habits that directly affect your dental health are:

–          Nail biting

–          Clenching your jaw

–          Use of drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption read more

Jaw Pain, Grinding and TMJ

Posted October 27th, 2015

Many people are subconsciously grinding teeth throughout the day – at work due to stress, perhaps when they’re nervous due to public speaking, or while concentrating. Others maybe be grinding teeth during the night, without even knowing.

Signs that you may be grinding teeth include a sore, tender jaw especially in the morning, or worn down and chipped edges on some of your teeth. Your partner may notice the sound of you grinding teeth during your sleep and often patients don’t realise they grind but their partner insists they do. read more

The Facts About Wisdom Teeth

Posted October 8th, 2015

We all know someone who has had a swollen face or a hospital visit to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The topic of having wisdom teeth extracted can sound scary and overwhelming, but at Vivid Dental we can make the experience easy. If you have any concerns or issues with your wisdom teeth, come in for a consultation.

Many patients think that all wisdom teeth must be extracted. This is not the case. Some people will have two wisdom teeth, some will have four, some will have none! No two mouths are exactly alike, and some wisdom teeth may exist harmlessly in your mouth – above or below the gum line, causing no problems at all. However, sometimes wisdom teeth can cause a number of issues, such as: read more

Orthodontic Treatment For Kids

Posted December 18th, 2014

All parents want the best for their children – and this includes a great looking, healthy smile with straight teeth. However, often a little help from orthodontic treatment is needed to straighten a smile.

It’s incredibly common for children and teenagers to have orthodontic treatment such as braces, retainers, plates, or other appliances, to widen or straighten their smile, or even close gaps. Most people are self-conscious about crooked teeth, gaps between their teeth or overlapping teeth. thumb-sucking-buck-teeth-Gi read more

How to Stop Thumb-Sucking

Posted June 4th, 2014

5 Tips to Help Your Child Stop Thumb Sucking

Make them think it’s their idea

Nagging your child doesn’t always work. Instead, encourage them to realize how much they have grown and changed. Show them what they have left behind, point out that they no longer use nappies, bottles, or high chairs. Praise them and ask them what else they think they should give up. If they don’t say thumb sucking, then you should suggest it.

Weaken the Habit

When you notice your child’s thumb in their mouth, try to distract them give them activities that will use both hands. This is particularly important before nap time and bedtime. Have them hold the book you are reading or hug a stuffed animal with each arm. read more

Flossing for Kids

Posted November 27th, 2013

Flossing for kids may seem unnecessary, however it is a great way to start kids off with good dental habits from an early age. If flossing becomes second nature to them as children, they will carry the habit throughout their adult lives too. Flossing cleans the surfaces between the teeth, where a toothbrush simply cannot get to.

There are alternatives to flossing that can be good for kids as they are a little less dextrose than adults. These are things like picksters, flossers and floss threaders. These are all tools which clean the space between the teeth and gums, but are a little easier for small hands to use. You can purchase these items from most chemists and some supermarkets, or at Vivid Dental. If your child has braces or orthodontic appliances, flossing can be tricky – but it’s even more important. Braces and appliances can also build up plaque and bacteria if not cleaned properly. This can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. It’s crucial to use floss threaders or ‘superfloss’ to ensure your child is flossing between braces or appliances. read more