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Posts Categorized: Fluoride

Do My Kid’s Have Healthy Teeth?

Posted November 2nd, 2019

Many parents say things like “will she have bad teeth like mine?” or “will she need lots of fillings because I did?”

There isn’t one simple answer for this, however there are a few factors to consider in regards to your dental health affecting your child’s. Give your child healthy teeth for life by setting good habits.

Genetics can play a role in the shape of your child’s face and jaw – therefore affecting how large or small their mouth is, their jaw positioning and structure, and often the shape of the teeth. For example if you have a square jaw and large, square teeth, it’s possible your child’s mouth will look similar. However, whether or not your child has healthy teeth, is not down to genetics, but is reliant on good habits. read more

6 Ways You Can Take Care of Your Tooth Enamel

Posted December 31st, 2018

Tooth enamel is something you know you need to take care of… but you might not be sure exactly how to go about doing so.

Tooth enamel is the hard, outer surface layer of our teeth. It protects against tooth decay and is the strongest, hardest part of your body – stronger than your bones!

Knowing that, why wouldn’t you want to take great care of your tooth enamel?

There are a few ways you can get started this year to help keep your tooth enamel strong:

  1. Eat Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is considered a super mineral for your teeth because it helps to neutralise acids, which can damage your teeth. It also supports strong bone and dental growth in children, so adding in at least one calcium rich food to your daily diet can positively impact your tooth enamel’s strength. read more

How to avoid the dental dangers of dry mouth

Posted June 20th, 2018
Dry Mouth Concept - Cracked Ground, Earthquake Background, Texture Parched Earth

You might not think that having a dry mouth is cause for dental concern. It’s irritating, yes – and often a side effect of medications – but not something to be concerned about.

However, that parched, dryness can lead to gum trouble and tooth decay, as well as being uncomfortable.

So how does dry mouth happen? It occurs when the glands in your mouth, those that produce saliva, aren’t functioning properly. This can be because of medication (such as those for blood pressure pain relievers), autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy for cancer, or radiation therapy (specifically targeting the head/neck region). read more

Fluoride – The Controversial Mineral Your Teeth Need!

Posted January 3rd, 2018
Fluoride and Dental Health

Fluoride in water was an amazing step forward in strengthening teeth against decay.

Fluoride is a main component in most toothpastes, and in many parts of Australia and around the world, is also a main component in municipal water supplies. Fluoridated drinking water has been proven to make a significant difference in the development of gum disease and dental caries. Fluoride also helps determine whether weakened enamel will be remineralized or will form a cavity. Women who live in areas where water is not fluoridated are often advised to take supplements. If supplements are used, care must be taken not to consume more that recommended amount, as too much can also cause damage to your unborn child’s teeth. Research indicates that this powerful mineral can be transferred through the placenta, meaning that it will reduce the risk of caries in the unborn child as well. read more

Why Does My Child Have Yellow Teeth?

Posted September 14th, 2017

Some parents are concerned that their kid’s adult teeth are yellow.  Most of the time the reason for stained teeth is simple and does not require any treatment.

Why do teeth appear yellow?

The first reason is because they look more yellow next to their baby teeth. Baby teeth are so white that they are sometimes called ‘milk teeth’. When a new adult tooth is next to a baby tooth (milk tooth) they can look quite yellow. In this case it is normal and the colour difference will not be as noticeable when there are more adult teeth and less baby teeth. read more

Dental Cavities in Baby Teeth

Posted April 26th, 2017

Dental cavities are the most commonly treated tooth problem in both adults and children across the globe. However, few people understand what they are, how they occur. It’s important you know the correct treatment and how your children’s dentist will prevent them. It’s important to understand how your tooth is made up, to understand how cavities are teeth cavities

Every tooth has a ‘crown’ (the part you see in your mouth) and roots. The crown is coated in natural tooth enamel, which is a hard surface designed to keep bacteria out. However, children’s tooth enamel is not as strong as fully formed adult enamel. Because children’s tooth enamel is not as strong, cavities can form in baby teeth much more quickly and easily than adult teeth. read more

Is Organic Toothpaste Better For You?

Posted December 13th, 2016

With a significant movement towards organic lifestyle choices becoming increasingly popular, many patients ask us if organic toothpaste is better for their teeth and their children’s teeth. While some people are concerned about fluoride being ‘toxic’ and chemicals being ingested, organic toothpaste isn’t always a better option.

Vivid Dental supports the controlled use of fluoride for strengthening teeth. Most brands of organic toothpaste don’t contain fluoride to strengthen teeth, or sufficient ingredients to effectively remove plaque and bacteria. While organic toothpaste may sound appealing as a holistic option, the lack of fluoride can mean soft, weak tooth enamel and ineffective removal of bacteria, which ultimately leads to cavities and dental disease. read more

Sugar Decays Baby Teeth

Posted February 16th, 2016

The number of children under 12 having fillings is rapidly increasing and has more than doubled since 1970. Deciduous teeth (or “baby teeth”) decay more quickly and easily than adult teeth. High levels of sugar and acidity in your child’s mouth can cause their baby teeth to decay.

Monitor how much sugar is in your child’s diet, and remember, this isn’t just ‘bad’ sugars like lollies and biscuit. Fruit, juice, milk, cordial, even white bread, all also contain high levels of sugar. If your child frequently sips from a bottle or cup, make sure they are only having water. The frequency of sugar in take is more relevant than the quantity of sugar itself – eg to sip on cordial or juice over the entire day is more damaging to the teeth than to eat one high sugar chocolate and then have a glass of water. read more

Party Season Causes Stained Teeth!

Posted December 22nd, 2015

The Christmas and New Year break usually involves lots of functions, parties and BBQ’s, which can mean lots of cocktails, wines and treat foods. This can be highly detrimental for your dental health, resulting in stained teeth and decay.

As you attend functions and events, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages typically contain very high levels of sugar and acidity. This can cause worn enamel, cavities and stained teeth.

We recommend you focus on drinking water after each beverage or treat, as water will help dilute the sugar and acids in your saliva. This has the added benefit of washing away colouring (hello red wine) to prevent stained teeth. read more

Bad Habits for Dental Health

Posted November 25th, 2015

How much do your habits affect your dental health? We are constantly told about how diet and lifestyle habits can affect our general health, but don’t often think of how they may affect our dental health, teeth and gums. nailbiting

Your dental health and oral health can be affected by many bad habits. The main habits that directly affect your dental health are:

–          Nail biting

–          Clenching your jaw

–          Use of drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption read more

The Facts About Dental Fillings

Posted June 5th, 2015

Fillings are one of the most common dental treatments to exist. Dental fillings can be amalgam (silver) or composite (tooth coloured). Either type of dental filling can chip or crack over time.

A fantastic way to kick-start your new year and better your health, is to book in an appointment for a check-up and clean with the dental hygienist. Our lovely Leanne specialises in thoroughly cleaning between your teeth in all those nooks your toothbrush can’t reach.

She also provides prophylaxis polishing which can help remove stains and brighten your smile. A thorough examination is done, of all your teeth and between your teeth. This way we can note any sticky spots or dark areas which may be cavities. fillings read more

Fillings in Baby Teeth

Posted January 29th, 2015

When told their child needs fillings on baby teeth, many parents ask us if it’s really necessary, considering the teeth will fall out anyway. While we understand the concept of treating a tooth that will fall out seems strange and unnecessary, it’s actually very important.

Baby teeth will be in your child’s mouth for up to 12 years, depending on how fast or slow your child loses their teeth. If your child develops a cavity when they are very young, for example two or three, this cavity could potentially be in their mouth for a number of years, worsening and decaying further.11116-83723-Mnd-immedPreTx-300508 read more

Flossing: Is It Necessary?

Posted December 12th, 2014

You brush your teeth every morning and night, and use mouth wash, that’s enough right? Wrong. While brushing thoroughly is crucial for your dental health, and mouth wash can help freshen your breath, if you aren’t flossing, you aren’t completing the job.

Think of everything you eat and drink. All those coffees, your breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day – for weeks, months and years… Every time you eat, tiny amounts of debris and plaque get wedged between your teeth.

Even if it doesn’t feel obvious, it’s there. Your toothbrush cleans most surfaces of your teeth, but it can’t get into those tiny spaces between your teeth. That’s where flossing comes in. Flossing draws out built up plaque or food particles that are caught between your teeth and gum line. It promotes healthy gums, prevents gum disease and completes the job of cleaning your teeth. read more

Considering Teeth Whitening?

Posted November 1st, 2014


Many of our patients ask us about tooth whitening. Everybody wants a bright, white, Hollywood smile. However, there are some important things to know about teeth whitening before you go ahead.

There are several different teeth whitening options available, which can make it difficult to choose which one is right for you. We have broken down the main options below and included the positives and negatives of each.

Whitening Toothpaste

With so many brands and types available, all boasting great results, teeth whitening toothpastes can seem appealing. While they may achieve a very minimal result over a long period of usage, it’s important to note that the strength of peroxide (bleaching agent) in teeth whitening toothpastes is extremely low. This means it can’t whiten teeth very successfully, but may have minimal results over time. read more

Fluoride in Tap Water

Posted October 25th, 2014

It’s an age old debate – is fluoride in tap water better for our kids health, or is it toxic? Ongoing studies have revealed that the average exposure an Australian child has to fluoride in tap water, is absolutely not harmful at all.

However, a lack of fluoride exposure saw an increase of 49% of children needing dental treatment.  Aside from bottled water contributing to a rise in children needing dental treatment, the increased number of children consuming soft drinks, energy drinks, lollies and processed sweetened foods regularly has also seen sky-rocketing figures of dental decay. read more

How to Prevent Tooth Decay

Posted April 2nd, 2014

You may have seen the many advertisements for Colgate’s new toothpaste – containing a ‘sugar acid neutraliser’. Colgate claims that after eight years of research, they have finally developed an ingredient that neutralises the acidic effect of sugar on teeth.

While there may have been advances in chemical technology that aid in the prevention of tooth decay, we believe that no matter what fluoride toothpaste you are using, proper brushing and flossing is the only way to prevent tooth decay. read more

Caring for Kids Teeth

Posted January 13th, 2014

2014 is a new school year for kids! Parents often ask us how to care for their kids teeth, so this blog will explain why kids teeth need extra care. This year, start your children off on the right foot.

Try some of our healthy lunchbox ideas which are great for kids teeth. One of the leading causes of decay in kids teeth is constant snacking and sipping on sugary drinks. Help maintain healthy kids teeth by limiting consumption of sweet drinks.

kids dentistDrinks such as juice or flavoured milk should be had at meal times only. Throughout the day, kids should sip on only water. Tap water is excellent for kids teeth as it contains slightly higher levels of fluoride which strengthens and mineralises enamel. read more

Healthy Living for 2014

Posted January 6th, 2014

Many of us start the New Year with many resolutions we want to achieve. One of the most common resolutions, is aiming to implement healthy living and stay well. Whether this means losing weight, quitting smoking, eating more vegetables or going for a jog every day, we can help.

Healthy living doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference to your health.

Healthy Living

Vivid Dental discusses healthy living and how oral health can affect the rest of your body.

How can a dental practice help me achieve healthy living, you ask? There have been many studies conducted to identify the link between oral health and healthy living. Everybody’s mouth is teeming with bacteria. read more

Is Fluoride Safe For Kids?

Posted July 31st, 2013

There is a lot of controversy and differing opinions surrounding the issue of fluoridation and whether or not fluoride is safe for consumption, especially for children. At Vivid Dental we highly recommend topical fluoride treatment every 3-6 months when you have your regular check-up and clean, no matter what your age is.

We also recommend that all our patients use a fluoride toothpaste at home. In some cases where decay is severe and rapid, an extra high strength fluoride toothpaste may be recommended to strengthen tooth enamel. Fluoride can be harmful if it is ingested in large quantities. Swallowing tiny amounts of fluoride in your saliva will not cause harm to you or your children, however we always teach children to spit out their toothpaste. In Australia, our tap water has fluoride in it, and this is good for teeth. If you are concerned about your child’s exposure to fluoride, please book in an appointment and have a chat to our friendly team. read more