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Concerned About Wisdom Teeth?

Posted February 2nd, 2016

We all know someone who has had a swollen face or a hospital visit to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The topic of having wisdom teeth extracted can sound scary and overwhelming, but at Vivid Dental we can make the experience easy. If you have any concerns or issues with your wisdom teeth, come in for a consultation.

Many patients think that all wisdom teeth must be extracted. This is not the case. Some people will have two wisdom teeth, some will have four, some will have none! No two mouths are exactly alike, and some wisdom teeth may exist harmlessly in your mouth – above or below the gum line, causing no problems at all. However, sometimes wisdom teeth can cause a number of issues, such as: read more

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Party Season Causes Stained Teeth!

Posted December 22nd, 2015

The Christmas and New Year break usually involves lots of functions, parties and BBQ’s, which can mean lots of cocktails, wines and treat foods. This can be highly detrimental for your dental health, resulting in stained teeth and decay.

As you attend functions and events, keep in mind that alcoholic beverages typically contain very high levels of sugar and acidity. This can cause worn enamel, cavities and stained teeth.

We recommend you focus on drinking water after each beverage or treat, as water will help dilute the sugar and acids in your saliva. This has the added benefit of washing away colouring (hello red wine) to prevent stained teeth. read more

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Bad Habits for Dental Health

Posted November 25th, 2015

How much do your habits affect your dental health? We are constantly told about how diet and lifestyle habits can affect our general health, but don’t often think of how they may affect our dental health, teeth and gums. nailbiting

Your dental health and oral health can be affected by many bad habits. The main habits that directly affect your dental health are:

–          Nail biting

–          Clenching your jaw

–          Use of drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption read more

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Why you have bleeding gums

Posted November 18th, 2015

The general rule is: bleeding gums are unhealthy gums. If you notice bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth, this is an indication that your gums are inflamed or infected.

Plaque forms in your mouth over a 24 hour period – from everything you eat and drink and from all the sugars and acids in your saliva. This plaque sits on your teeth at the gum-line and between the teeth. The bacteria from the plaque begins to irritate your gums, causing them to become red, slightly puffy and inflamed or even infected. read more

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Jaw Pain, Grinding and TMJ

Posted October 27th, 2015

Many people are subconsciously grinding teeth throughout the day – at work due to stress, perhaps when they’re nervous due to public speaking, or while concentrating. Others maybe be grinding teeth during the night, without even knowing.

Signs that you may be grinding teeth include a sore, tender jaw especially in the morning, or worn down and chipped edges on some of your teeth. Your partner may notice the sound of you grinding teeth during your sleep and often patients don’t realise they grind but their partner insists they do. read more

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The Facts About Wisdom Teeth

Posted October 8th, 2015

We all know someone who has had a swollen face or a hospital visit to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The topic of having wisdom teeth extracted can sound scary and overwhelming, but at Vivid Dental we can make the experience easy. If you have any concerns or issues with your wisdom teeth, come in for a consultation.

Many patients think that all wisdom teeth must be extracted. This is not the case. Some people will have two wisdom teeth, some will have four, some will have none! No two mouths are exactly alike, and some wisdom teeth may exist harmlessly in your mouth – above or below the gum line, causing no problems at all. However, sometimes wisdom teeth can cause a number of issues, such as: read more

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The Facts About Dental Fillings

Posted June 5th, 2015

Fillings are one of the most common dental treatments to exist. Dental fillings can be amalgam (silver) or composite (tooth coloured). Either type of dental filling can chip or crack over time.

A fantastic way to kick-start your new year and better your health, is to book in an appointment for a check-up and clean with the dental hygienist. Our lovely Leanne specialises in thoroughly cleaning between your teeth in all those nooks your toothbrush can’t reach.

She also provides prophylaxis polishing which can help remove stains and brighten your smile. A thorough examination is done, of all your teeth and between your teeth. This way we can note any sticky spots or dark areas which may be cavities. fillings read more

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Fillings in Baby Teeth

Posted January 29th, 2015

When told their child needs fillings on baby teeth, many parents ask us if it’s really necessary, considering the teeth will fall out anyway. While we understand the concept of treating a tooth that will fall out seems strange and unnecessary, it’s actually very important.

Baby teeth will be in your child’s mouth for up to 12 years, depending on how fast or slow your child loses their teeth. If your child develops a cavity when they are very young, for example two or three, this cavity could potentially be in their mouth for a number of years, worsening and decaying further.11116-83723-Mnd-immedPreTx-300508 read more

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Orthodontic Treatment For Kids

Posted December 18th, 2014

All parents want the best for their children – and this includes a great looking, healthy smile with straight teeth. However, often a little help from orthodontic treatment is needed to straighten a smile.

It’s incredibly common for children and teenagers to have orthodontic treatment such as braces, retainers, plates, or other appliances, to widen or straighten their smile, or even close gaps. Most people are self-conscious about crooked teeth, gaps between their teeth or overlapping teeth. thumb-sucking-buck-teeth-Gi read more

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Flossing: Is It Necessary?

Posted December 12th, 2014

You brush your teeth every morning and night, and use mouth wash, that’s enough right? Wrong. While brushing thoroughly is crucial for your dental health, and mouth wash can help freshen your breath, if you aren’t flossing, you aren’t completing the job.

Think of everything you eat and drink. All those coffees, your breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day – for weeks, months and years… Every time you eat, tiny amounts of debris and plaque get wedged between your teeth.

Even if it doesn’t feel obvious, it’s there. Your toothbrush cleans most surfaces of your teeth, but it can’t get into those tiny spaces between your teeth. That’s where flossing comes in. Flossing draws out built up plaque or food particles that are caught between your teeth and gum line. It promotes healthy gums, prevents gum disease and completes the job of cleaning your teeth. read more

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Considering Teeth Whitening?

Posted November 1st, 2014


Many of our patients ask us about tooth whitening. Everybody wants a bright, white, Hollywood smile. However, there are some important things to know about teeth whitening before you go ahead.

There are several different teeth whitening options available, which can make it difficult to choose which one is right for you. We have broken down the main options below and included the positives and negatives of each.

Whitening Toothpaste

With so many brands and types available, all boasting great results, teeth whitening toothpastes can seem appealing. While they may achieve a very minimal result over a long period of usage, it’s important to note that the strength of peroxide (bleaching agent) in teeth whitening toothpastes is extremely low. This means it can’t whiten teeth very successfully, but may have minimal results over time. read more

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Fluoride in Tap Water

Posted October 25th, 2014

It’s an age old debate – is fluoride in tap water better for our kids health, or is it toxic? Ongoing studies have revealed that the average exposure an Australian child has to fluoride in tap water, is absolutely not harmful at all.

However, a lack of fluoride exposure saw an increase of 49% of children needing dental treatment.  Aside from bottled water contributing to a rise in children needing dental treatment, the increased number of children consuming soft drinks, energy drinks, lollies and processed sweetened foods regularly has also seen sky-rocketing figures of dental decay. read more

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Healthy Living with Vivid Dental

Posted September 27th, 2014

Many of us start the New Year with many resolutions we want to achieve. One of the most common resolutions, is aiming to implement healthy living to stay well. However as the year progresses, we lose motivation, we become ‘too busy’, or ‘too tired’ and we often lose sight of our goals. Whether your goal is losing weight, quitting smoking, eating more vegetables or going for a jog every day, we can help.

Healthy living doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference to your health. read more

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Periodontal Disease: The Facts

Posted September 13th, 2014

We’ve all heard of gum disease and gingivitis, but what is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is the term used to describe severe gum disease which has progressed through the early stages of gingivitis and is now more serious. If you imagine your gums hug your teeth, like a tight shirt collar, this is the action of healthy gums.

Gums exist to hug your tooth and protect the root of the tooth from bacteria, plaque, decay and exposure. Healthy gums are tight and snug against the tooth, so no germs can penetrate below. However, gingivitis causes the gum to become puffy, soft and inflamed. Once the gum is unhealthy and infected with gingivitis, it becomes looser and does not hug tightly around the tooth. bleeding-gums read more

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Chipped Tooth? What you need to know

Posted July 7th, 2014

It’s 3pm. Traffic thickens, you’re waiting in your car with your eyes carefully scanning to find your kids big smiles among the sea of school uniforms. Finally you spot your little angels with their large backpacks and big smiles.

They jump in the car and you notice something different, “what happened to your tooth?!” you ask. No parent wants to see their child with a chipped tooth. Many people don’t realise that the consequences of a chipped tooth can be more severe than just the appearance. read more

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Top 5 Toothache Myths Busted!

Posted June 26th, 2014

When it comes to toothaches, there are lots of myths and misconceptions. Don’t take any chances when it comes to your health – find out the facts about toothaches. These are the top five myths about toothaches we often hear from patients.

  1. A toothache will be cured with pain killers or antibiotics.medicine

This is not the case. While taking panadol or nurofen can ease the pain temporarily, and antibiotics can fight infection surrounding the tooth, neither of these are cures or permanent solutions. The problem is still there and will only get worse.

  1. A toothache means I have a cavity.

Sometimes a toothache can be caused by a cavity or early decay, but not always. A toothache could be associated with your bite, grinding, a chip or crack, a fracture or nerve problems. read more

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Managing Gum Disease

Posted June 18th, 2014

The general rule is: bleeding gums are unhealthy gums. If you notice bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth, this is an indication that your gums are inflamed or infected.

Plaque forms in your mouth over a 24 hour period – from everything you eat and drink and from all the sugars and acids in your saliva. This plaque sits on your teeth at the gum-line and between the teeth. The bacteria from the plaque begins to irritate your gums, causing them to become red, slightly puffy and inflamed or even infected. read more

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Why Do I Get Bad Breath?

Posted June 11th, 2014

“Why do I get bad breath?” is one of the most commonly asked dental questions. There are a range of causes for bad breath, but some are more serious than others. Bad breath can be caused by:

  • Strong, aromatic foods like garlic, curries, onion, fish or coffee
  • Smoking or alcohol consumption
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Dry mouth or a condition called halitosisbacteria in mouth

If you often get bad breath, try to increase the frequency of your flossing and brushing, as often plaque can cause bad breath.Some people find using a minty mouth wash can also help.

However if your mouth is dry, has a metallic or bad taste and you often have bad breath despite having good oral hygiene, come in and see us at Vivid Dental, as there may be an underlying cause like infection, decay or food trapping. read more

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How to Stop Thumb-Sucking

Posted June 4th, 2014

5 Tips to Help Your Child Stop Thumb Sucking

Make them think it’s their idea

Nagging your child doesn’t always work. Instead, encourage them to realize how much they have grown and changed. Show them what they have left behind, point out that they no longer use nappies, bottles, or high chairs. Praise them and ask them what else they think they should give up. If they don’t say thumb sucking, then you should suggest it.

Weaken the Habit

When you notice your child’s thumb in their mouth, try to distract them give them activities that will use both hands. This is particularly important before nap time and bedtime. Have them hold the book you are reading or hug a stuffed animal with each arm. read more

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X-Rays for Children’s Teeth

Posted May 17th, 2014

Many parents are reluctant to have X-Rays taken of their children’s teeth due to concerns about the safety or necessity of the procedure. Dental X-Rays are completely safe and expose your child to the most minimal degree of radiation that is not harmful at all. Today’s advanced technology means that a tunnel-beam X-Ray is used, meaning only one specific area is exposed to the very minimal radiation. This makes it even more safe and harmless. The ability to generate X-Rays instantly thanks to technological improvements reduces the time that radiation is existent. read more

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